Goplex About Us

About Goplex


We are a software development company that was formed with the objective to bring intelligent solutions that allows  generation of wealth and opportunities for everyone.

We know the challenges of the market and at the same time we feel the intention of many to undertake and grow financially. We spare no effort to ease the way and make the workflow faster and simpler. 

We seek to create a complete model, delivering all the necessary structure and support for entrepreneurs or organizations that want to add a new solution to their services.

We take issues like user experience, continuous improvement, and great customer relationships seriously.

We love to create long-lasting relationships, improve business flow and develop solutions.
We wish to build a big Goplex family.


Fundadores Goplex Gabriel Rocco & Fabricio Paschoal


Transforming people’s lives with smart technology, allowing them to easily deliver solutions and results, maximizing their income.


To become a reference with each project we develop, with commitment and innovation.


  • Trust and Responsibility
  • Quality of our Services
  • Keep it simple, always
  • Continuous improvement
  • Passion and Innovation
  • The best argument is what counts